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How to Install Java on Windows 7 64 Bit

How To Install Java In Windows 7/8/10

in this blog post i will show you how to install java in windows 7/8/10 step by step.

download jdk-10.0.2_windows-x64_bin.exe file-How To Install Java In Windows

To install java in windows system go to this link,

Check Accept License Agreement and download the windows jdk-10.0.2_windows-x64_bin.exe file.

install java in windows

run the jdk-10.0.2_windows-x64_bin.exe file-How To Install Java In Windows

Run that executable file by double click on that.

It will open one small window.

do you want to allow this app to make changes to your pc(do you want to run this file click on run) click on yes.

install java in windows

It will open setup window click on next.

install java jdk in windows

setup java jdk-10.0.2 home directory-How To Install Java In Windows

it will show you java jdk home path, here in my case it is showing C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.2\   iam keeping this default path only.

how to install java jdk on windows

if you want to change java home click on change and select path of your java home directory.

Click on next it will show you progress window.

how to install java jdk on windows steps

click on next now it will show you custom setup window.

setup java jre-10.0.2 home directory-How To Install Java In Windows

install jdk in windows

Here You can select your java jre home directory. But no need to change default it will show one path keep that only.

Here iam keeping c:\Program Files\Java\jre-10.0.2

Click on next now java will install on your windows system.

install java jdk in wondows

After installing it will show complete window click on close.

install java jdk on windows

Now you succesfully installed java jdk on your windows machine.

If you go to the java home directory C:\Program Files\Java You can see two folders  like jdk-10.0.2,  jre-10.0.2

how to install java jdk in windows

after installing java in your  winodws system, to run java commands you need to configure environment variables.

configuring environment variables-How To Install Java In Windows

Now go inside into jdk-10.0.2 directory and go inside bin directory.

Then you need to copy the this bin path, we will use this path in the coming steps.

how to install java jdk on windows

Right Click on computer and click on properties.

how to install java in windows

It will take you to this window Control Panel\System and Security\System

how to install java jdk in windows 10

Click on advanced system settings  it will open environment variables window.

how to install java in windows 7

Click on environment variables you can see system variables.

Add new variable by clicking on new.

Adding PATH variable-How To Install Java In Windows

Now we are adding PATH variable

install java in windows step by step

Variable name PATH

Variable value C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.2\bin

this value is above you copied from previous step

Adding JAVA_HOME variable-How To Install Java In Windows

Now we are adding JAVA_HOME variable

Variable name JAVA_HOME

Variable value C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.2

how to install java

click on ok.

Now open your command prompt and enter.

java   –version  command

you can see java version.

installation of java

now successfully you can run java commands.

How to Install Java on Windows 7 64 Bit
