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Creamy Soft Italian Cheese Used to Make Tiramisu

Here is Authentic Italian Tiramisu Recipe, an Italian dessert made of savoiardi ladyfingers soaked in coffee, arranged in layers and filled with a cream made with mascarpone and eggs. Tiramisu is one of the most famous Italian dessert in the world, born in Treviso (a lovely town near Venice), delicious and easy to make.

There are many variants of tiramisu recipe; the following recipe is the Authentic Italian Recipe of  Tiramisu Cake, the one from the Italian tradition, the one that we make on Sundays, the one that you will eat when you'll have come to Italy, made with eggs and mascarpone. But we know it's hard to find mascarpone in other countries and not everyone eats raw eggs.

So we'll give you some tips to make the best Tiramisu recipe, even without those ingredients (at the end of this recipe you can read some tips).

tiramisu authentic Italian recipe pin 1

If you want to use pasteurized eggs, go to the paragraph "How to Pasteurize Eggs" or read the recipe "How to Make Mascarpone Cream with Pasteurized Eggs".

Meanwhile we'll give you the recipe to make Coffee Mascarpone Cream without eggs. You can eat it in bowls or in little cups made of chocolate cookies, as explained in the recipe. Or you can use it to make tiramisu. A variant. It's delicious!

Do you want to make a delicious, coffee-free and fruit-flavored Tiramisu? Check out our Strawberry Tiramisu recipe! Delicious and easy to make.

Finally read how to make tiramisu cake roll, a delicious tiramisu made with sponge cake instead of savoiardi.

Now follow the directions of this recipe and make the best Tiramisu you have ever eaten!

Authentic Italian Tiramisu Recipe

  • Prep Time: 30 Min
  • Cooling Time: 3 H
  • Yelds: 8


  • 300 g (10,5 oz) Savoiardi Ladyfingers. We recommend BALOCCO SAVOIARDI LADYFINGERS, or make homemade ladyfingers with our recipe, which are great!
  • 500 g (1,1 lb) of mascarpone cheese
  • 4 medium eggs (about 220 g/7,7 oz without shells)
  • 100 g (1/2 cup) of granulated sugar
  • 300 ml (1 ¼ cup) of coffee (better if espresso)
  • 2 tablespoons of Rum or Marsala
  • unsweetened cocoa powder

Tiramisu Recipe: Kitchen Tools and Equipment


authentic italian tiramisu step 1

Step 1) – First of all, make the coffee. For a quick and delicious Italian coffee we used an Espresso Machine. Then add 2 tablespoons of Rum or Marsala wine. This is optional. If you don't like liqueurs or you are making Tiramisu for children, don't use it. Your tiramisu is great all the same, even without liqueur. Set aside and let it cool.

authentic italian tiramisu step 2

Step 2) – Separate egg whites from yolks. Take a bowl and whip the egg whites until stiff: you will get at it when the the egg whites will not move if you turn the bowl over. Just remember that, in order to whip the egg whites pretty stiff, there should not be any trace of yolk in them. When ready, set aside.

authentic italian tiramisu step 3

Step 3) – Now in bowl whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until pale and smooth, 3 to 5 minutes.

authentic italian tiramisu step 4

Step 4) – In the meantime, pour the mascarpone cheese into a bowl and work it with a spoon to make it softer. Mascarpone cheese must be of excellent quality, creamy and thick. When the egg yolks are ready add the mascarpone cheese.

authentic italian tiramisu step 5

Step 5) – Using the flex edge beater, whisk the mascarpone cream slowly for 2 or 3 minutes. Now add stiffen egg whites.

authentic italian tiramisu step 6

Step 6) – Mix with a wooden spoon, from bottom to top. Mix slowly until it's smooth and creamy.

authentic italian tiramisu step 7

Step 7) – Now we are going to make the layers of ladyfingers and mascarpone cream. You can make 2 or more layers, depending on the width and depth of your pan. So dip quickly (1 or 2 seconds) Savoiardi Ladyfingers into the coffee. IMPORTANT! Savoiardi should not engage too much coffee, otherwise your Tiramisu will turn out too soggy. Then place them in a ceramic or glass cooking pan.

authentic italian tiramisu step 8

Step 8) – Arrange them to cover the bottom of the pan. Spread the mascarpone cream on top of the Savoiardi.

authentic italian tiramisu step 9

Step 9) – Add another layer of Savoiardi and then cover with more mascarpone cream. If you are making the last layer, spread plenty of mascarpone cream. Tiramisu is ready!

authentic italian tiramisu step 10

Step 10) – Finally sprinkle with cocoa powder. Let rest 3 hours in the refrigerator before serving (even better if you make the tiramisu the day before, letting it to rest all night long in the fridge). You can add chocolate flakes on top according to taste.

tiramisu authentic Italian recipe

How to Pasteurize Eggs For Tiramisu

Tiramisu in Italy has always been made with fresh eggs and it's well known that it would be a good idea to pasteurize the eggs before using them to make this dessert. Here then we will explain how to pasteurize egg yolks and whites using a hot syrup made with sugar and water.

How to Pasteurize the Yolks

pasteurized eggs step 1

Step 1) – First, place 50 g (¼ cup) of sugar with 25 ml (about 2 tablespoons) of water in a saucepan. Stir to dissolve the sugar as much as possible and then bring this syrup to a boil, always stirring. The syrup will be ready when it reaches the temperature of 121 ° C (250 F).

It's very important that the syrup does not exceed 121 ° C (250 F), temperature after which the sugar starts to caramelize (you'll know it because it starts to darken). So measure the temperature with a kitchen thermometer; if you don't have a thermometer, the syrup will be ready when small and white bubbles will form on the surface.

pasteurized eggs step 2

Step 2) – Meanwhile, start to whip up the egg yolks with a stand mixer at maximum speed. When the syrup is hot and ready, pour it over the egg yolks and keep whisking at high speed. Work the cream until completely cooled (about 10 minutes). You'll feel that the cream is cold by placing your hands on the bowl. When the bowl is cold the cream is ready.

This is the famous pate à bombe, a fluid clear cream, made with eggs, sugar and water, that is the basis of many pastry preparations.

Now it's time to add the mascarpone cheese. But first look at how to pasteurize the egg whites.

How to Pasteurize the Egg Whites

pasteurized eggs step 3-min

Step 3) – As for the egg yolks, make a syrup with 50 g (¼ cup) of sugar and 25 ml (about 2 tablespoons) of water. In the meantime, start whipping the egg whites with the stand mixer at maximum speed. When you see that they are whipping pretty good, add the hot syrup slowly. Continue to beat the egg whites until stiff for another 10 minutes.

Now the pasteurized egg whites are ready. Add them to the mascarpone cream and keep following this tiramisu recipe.

How to Pasteurize Whole Eggs

With this simple procedure you have separately pasteurized the yolks and egg whites, obviously because the tiramisu recipe required it. But know that it's possible to pasteurize whole eggs.

Proceed in the same way, making the syrup with 100 g (1/2 cup) of sugar and 50 ml (about 4 tablespoons) of water for 4 whole medium eggs.

Whip the eggs with a stand mixer and slowly pour the hot syrup. Continue to beat the eggs until the cream is cold (put your hands on the bowl: when the bowl is cold the cream is ready). Now the eggs are pasteurized, fresh and safe and you can use them safely for your great recipes.

Individual Tiramisu Trifle

So, let's assume that you have guests and want to serve Authentic Italian Tiramisu in individual cups, very chic and elegant. First of all, you will need individual tiramisu trifles, whether they are made of glass or plastic. Then proceed to assemble the tiramisu preparations following our recipe above.

individual tiramisu trifle step 1

Step 1) – Place a tablespoon or two of mascarpone cream on the bottom of the cup. Break a Savoiardi fadyfinger into 4 and soak the pieces in coffee.

individual tiramisu trifle step 2

Step 2) – Lay them on the cream. If necessary, use two ladyfinger biscuits.

individual tiramisu trifle step 3

Step 3) – Cover with plenty of mascarpone cream (3-4 tablespoons), level and sprinkle with unsweetened cocoa powder. Your individual tiramisu trifle is ready. You'll make a great impression!

Authentic Italian Tiramisu Recipe: some Tips and Variants

How to Replace Mascarpone Cheese for Tiramisu

When talking about mascarpone, one refers to a very famous cheese, especially in Northern Italy. It differs from most other cheeses because it's not obtained directly from milk but from its cream. It has a color that is usually between white snow and straw yellow; regarding the flavor, however, is very delicate, slightly tending to the sweet.

As we said before, Italian traditional Tiramisu recipe is made with mascarpone. However, there are some variants without mascarpone.

To prepare a delicious tiramisu without using mascarpone among the ingredients, it's necessary to change the cream recipe. How so? Let's see:

As an alternative to mascarpone cheese, you can use:

  • cream cheese;
  • fresh ricotta cheese;
  • heavy cream for desserts, vegetal or vaccine.

By employing one of these ingredients, or combining them according to your preferences, you can prepare a cream for your tiramisu, different from the traditional but just as exquisite.

For example, if you want to prepare a light but still tasty tiramisu, you can mix light cream cheese and ricotta cheese. For a softer and sweeter cream, use cream cheese and whipped heavy cream.

IMPORTANT! For 250 g (1/2 lb) of cream, use the same ingredients, but, after adding 2 tablespoons of sugar, taste to figure out whether it is sweet enough or not.

tiramisu authentic Italian recipe

Chantilly Cream

Another alternative to mascarpone cheese could be the Chantilly cream, which you can make it very easily at home. Use heavy cream (cold, taken directly from the fridge) and icing sugar (even better if vanilla flavoured).

The acing sugar can be chosen, according to taste, in a dose that can vary between 125 g (1 cup) and 250 g (2 cups) per liter  (4 cups) of cream. Whip the cream with an electric mixer. Add the sugar and mix. Proceed by following the recipe above without adding 100 g of granulated sugar, because the chantilly cream is already sweet.

How to Replace Eggs for Tiramisu

Not everybody likes or can eat eggs, so if you want to make the tiramisu recipe without eggs, you can replace them with whipped cream. However, the dosage of the ingredients must be slightly modified and instead of the granulated sugar use icing sugar. Here's how to make the cream for 6 people:

  • 350 g (about 12 oz) of mascarpone cheese
  • 300 ml (1 1/4 cup) of fresh whipping cream
  • 120 g (1 cup) of icing sugar

In a bowl, whip the cream together with half the icing sugar and put it in the refrigerator. In another bowl, whip the mascarpone with the remaining icing sugar. Then with a spatula incorporate the whipped cream with mascarpone cream. Now mascarpone cream without eggs for your tiramisu is ready! Soak the ladyfingers in the coffee and then proceed to make the layers as described in the recipe above.

If you transfer the mascaprone cream without eggs into a pastry bag with a 15 mm smooth nozzle and form round tufts on the layer of ladyfingers, instead of spreading it, your tiramisu will be not only good but also pretty stylish!

Tiramisu: How, How Long and Where to Store it

You can keep tiramisu a couple of days (at most) well covered in the refrigerator. It can be frozen and kept in the freezer for about 2 weeks.

tiramisu authentic Italian recipe


Tiramisu and wines, an extraordinary blend of flavors that must be expertly balanced to enhance the right combination between this dessert and his drink.

The ideal pairing for this dessert is a passito wine, intense in aroma and taste. You can try:

  • Donnafugata – Ben Ryé Passito di Pantelleria
  • Franz Haas – Moscato Rosa Schweizer
  • Barone Montalto – Collezione di Famiglia Zibibbo

Another interesting combination is with Marsala, a fortified wine often used in the preparation of tiramisu itself. We recommend Marco de Bartoli – Vigna la Miccia Marsala Superiore Oro

Origin of Tiramisu

The origins of Tiramisu are not certain. Piedmont, Tuscany, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia are the Italian regions fighting for the paternity of this wonderful dessert.

We embrace the authoritative conclusions of the Tiramisu Academy

The Academy places the origins of this dessert in the Treviso area (city of Veneto), between the second half of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Tiramisù is certainly the evolution of a very simple dessert called "sbatutin" (beaten). It was a cream based on beaten egg yolks and sugar, served together with crumbly biscuits, specially prepared for children's snacks.

For this reason, the use of liqueur does not appear in the official recipe.

Subsequently and gradually they began to add coffee, mascarpone and cocoa, giving rise to the wonderful dessert that we all know.

People of Treviso who emigrated abroad were the first to export and spread the traditional recipe of Italian Tiramisu around the world.

Authentic Italian Tiramisu Recipe – Web Story

Creamy Soft Italian Cheese Used to Make Tiramisu
