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Cod Ww2 Zombies Funny Moments Darkest Shore Dlc and Easter Egg at

This step-by-step guide will walk you through The Darkest Shore Easter Egg in Call of Duty WW2 Zombies. This is the first DLC map. Completing the full easter egg unlocks the "Making History" trophy or achievement.

You can either do this solo or with a group of up to 4 people. If you aren't entirely confident solo, I'd advise against soloing this and rather going in with a 4 man squad, as this easter egg is definitely a lot tougher to beat than the previous one on The Final Reich.

Before we get into the actual steps and how to complete them, we should optimize our loadout. I'd recommend using these weapons, mods, consumables and perks (they are simply a guideline you can follow and are not mandatory at all, although some of them will make certain steps/ fights a lot easier):

Weapons: 1911 (pistol) as your starting weapon to get the Bacon and Eggs when PaP'd or alternatively the SVT-40 (semi-auto AR/ full-auto AR when PaP'd). Later on, you should spin the box to get the Toggle Action (semi-auto shotgun), as it will be your main weapon for the Meuchler boss fights. You can either go with the 1911 or the SVT-40 as your secondary weapon. Personally, I prefer the SVT, but it's all up to you.

Mods: universal mods: Fully Loaded/ Gung Ho!/ Pack Mule (your preferred mod, I'd use Fully Loaded personally),  shellshock mods: Exploit Weakness and Sustain Zone

Consumables: Überladen (preferably a rare or legendary one) and Toggle Action Guarantee (a common one will do)

Perks: Kugelblitz (increased weapon damage), Schnellblitz (faster reload), Lebenblitz (faster reviving) and Laufenblitz (unlimited and faster sprinting) or Faustblitz (increased melee damage. Personally, I'd use Laufenblitz.

Step 1: Turn on the power

Flip the switch inside the submarine pen and the artillery bunker to turn on the power.

Step 2: Acquire the Ranged Ripsaw and the Übersprengen machine (Pack-a-Punch)

Here is guide on how to build and upgrade the Ripsaw and a guide on how to unlock the Übersprengen machine.

» Pack-a-Punch Guide

» Ripsaw Guide

Your very first objective should be to get the Ranged Ripsaw, as the first actual easter egg steps requires you to shoot down the head of a hanging corpse. In order to get it as quickly as possible, build the regular ripsaw and keep ripping out spines until you find a charged one so you can get the upgrade step done as quickly as possible.

Step 3: Open the door in the submarine pen

Use the ranged saw to shoot down the head of the hanging corpse, above the stairs leading up to the Übersprengen. Pick up the head and place it on the decapitated corpse stuck to the freezer door in the submarine pen.

Now you have to kill zombies near the door in order to initiate a lockdown event, during which you must turn off 3 gas valves in the room. It's recommended that at least 1 player stays just outside of the submarine pen to avoid getting locked in. The player outside will be able to revive players inside the submarine pen through the barrier and no zombies will be spawning outside with him.

The 3 valves are located to the left and right of the freezer door and in the right corner just after coming down the stairs. However, the floor will be set on fire near the valves and you'll have to wait for it to go out before you can turn the valves (you turn them by holding:sq: ). Once all 3 are turned off, the event will end and the door will open. There will be a Brenner zombie inside, so you should be careful when taking him out.

Step 4: Shoot down the Stuka bombers

German Stuka bombers will spawn and keep flying over the island. They can be a real threat to you and your team and should be dealt with as soon as possible. It's advisable that one player remains inside the submarine pen to keep the zombies alive in there.

The Stukas can be shot down with the AA guns outside of the artillery bunker. Use the AA gun to the left of the left artillery bunker entrance and use it to blow the giant rock near the edge of the cliff (this will release one of the Son of Nerthus statues for a later step) and then immediately attend to the planes. There will be about 10 of them.

Step 5: Get the battery for the flak gun

Head back to the freezer room and activate the console to the right, with the green light on it. This will spawn in a friendly Bomber zombie that needs to be escorted to the artillery bunker and kept safe on the way there, as other zombies will attack it (other bombers are particularly lethal if they get too close). Activating the console will start a new round, so be prepared for that. Once it's at the artillery bunker, it will drop a battery for the flak gun.

You'll have to wait a round to activate the console again if you let the friendly Bomber die.

Step 6: Access the ancient room

Take the mine cart from the Strand (beach) the Graben (Übersprengen/ outside of the artillery bunker) and blow up a Bomber zombie or its bomb next to the massive ammunition shell on the right-hand side of the tunnel (about halfway through the tunnel). This will open the secret passage to the ancient room and you'll be able to simply enter this room from now on by holding:sq: halfway through the tunnel. The Bomber zombies will respawn every round, so don't worry if you can't open the passage on your first try.

Now in the ancient room, you'll see a massive circular door with 3 holes in it and a monk's head stuck in a crack right next to it. Pick up the head and place it in the left console in the freezer room.

Step 7: Acquire the 3 Son of Nerthus statutes

Statute #1

Use the heavy attack of the Ripsaw to get a charged normal zombie spine and put it in the metal basket to the left inside the freezer. This will spawn a friendly normal zombie that needs to be escorted to the beach. Once there, it will disappear into the sea, to return to you holding the first Son of Nerthus statue. Pick it up and get it to the ancient room so you can place it in the first of the 3 holes of the circular door.

Statue #2

Pick up the statue that you freed during the Stuka Bomber step earlier. It will be near the staircase by the beach. Also take it to the ancient room.

Statue #3

The 3rd stature can spawn in one of eight locations around the map inside a rock at the edges of the cliffs. Once you've shot the correct one, the statue will drop. If you are having problems with finding these locations, simply look for a video on YouTube, as new locations are still being found. Once the 3rd and final statue has been placed inside the hole, the circular door will open. This will unlock you the "This Damn Island trophy", since you now have access to the final area of the map, the sacrificial room.

Step 8: Get a Wüstling, Meuchler and Pest spine (in any order)

Wüstling spine

Once you've acquired the charged spine, you need to return it to the freezer and place it in the metal basket on the left. You will now have to escort a friendly Wüstling around the map and have it deactivate these 4 perk machines in exactly that order: Kugelblitz → Faustblitz → Laufenblitz → Lebenblitz. You can shoot the Wüstling if he loses his interest in you and starts to run off, just be careful not to damage him too much. You also have to make sure that he deactivates the perks in that order, or otherwise you'll have to retry this next round. Once Lebenblitz has been disabled, the Wüstling will run off and the step is complete.

Now every player has to head over to the sacrificial room in order to trigger a lockdown event. Plenty of Wüstling zombies will spawn in and one amongst them will be glowing. After killing all the Wüstlinge, you have to pick up the head of the glowing one and attach it to a hook hanging from the ceiling, in the sacrificial room.

Meuchler spine

You can force a Meuchler to spawn in the sacrificial room if you simply wait in there. You now have about 45 seconds to weaken it and get its spine. If you are too slow a second Meuchler will spawn, making it pretty much impossible to successfully harvest the spine. Once you've acquired the charged spine, you need to return it to the freezer and place it in the metal basket on the left.

A friendly Meuchler will spawn and run away from you and your objective is to find and shoot/ melee him 3 times. The map will be covered in fog and you only have a certain amount of time to find him before this step fails. He can spawn anywhere on the map but the submarine pen and your best chance to find him quickly is to listen for his screams. Once you have hit him for the 3rd time, this step is complete.

Now every player has to head over to the sacrificial room in order to trigger a lockdown event. Plenty of Meuchler zombies will spawn in and one amongst them will be glowing. After killing all the Meuchler, you have to pick up the head of the glowing one and attach it to a hook hanging from the the ceiling, in the sacrificial room.

Pest spine

Once you've acquired the charged spine, you need to return it to the freezer and place it in the metal basket on the left. This will spawn a friendly Pest zombie which will now wander around the map and remain in certain areas until you've completed a step. That step is to make a Ripsaw blade ricochet off certain colored panels around the map and to hit the friendly Pest with it. You'll notice that it will be electrocuted when you did it correctly and the zombie will move to the next area. The order for this is set:

  1. Ricochet a saw blade off of the blue panel on the massive pillar next to the submarine and hit the Pest with it.
  2. Hit the pest with a saw blade ricocheted off of the yellow panel up on the wall to the left of the freezer door.
  3. Fire a saw blade at the light blue panel on the cliffs right next to the stairs leading to the Übersprengen. The saw blade needs to ricochet off this panel, hit the yellow panel above the entrance to the ripsaw workstation bunker, and then hit the pest.
  4. You will need to blow the green grates off the panels near the artillery bunker: the first is located above the mystery box spawn here, the second is located to the right of this panel on the same bunker above the M1941 wall-buy, and the third is directly opposite the first two on the artillery bunker wall. You need to hit the second panel, which ricochets onto the artillery bunker panel, and then on to the first panel, and then into the zombie. The zombie needs to be at the right-hand entrance of the artillery bunker to be hit.
  5. You need to shoot a saw blade at the yellow panel in the ripsaw workstation hallway and it needs to bounce off of the purple panel on one of the pillars in the submarine pen and then hit the pest. The pest will now die. (Thanks to Potent_Delusions for a detailed description of these shots)

Now every player has to head over to the sacrificial room in order to trigger a lockdown event. Plenty of Pest zombies will spawn in and one amongst them will be glowing. After killing all the Pest, you have to pick up the head of the glowing Pest and attach it to a hook hanging from the ceiling, in the sacrificial room.

Step 9: Acquire Barbarossa's Pommel

Make your way over to the freezer and grab the monks head on the left side of the room and return it to the sacrificial room. Once you've attached to the last hook in the room, another lockdown event will start (all player need to be present again). Once this has been completed, the Pommel will spawn in the hand of the statue in the middle of the sacrificial room.

Step 10: Sink the German warships

Head back to the flak gun in the artillery bunker and charge the battery the bomber dropped in an earlier step, by killing zombies next to it. Once it stops absorbing souls, the flak gun will be fully loaded.

Now you have to collect both radio parts and assemble it on the table next to the mystery box location outside the artillery bunker. The locations for the parts are as follows:

  1. By a dead body near Laufenblitz. Would be hard to miss.
  2. Hanging from a dead body near the cliff archway by Schildblitz. Has to be shot down with the ranged Ripsaw again.

Once you have activated the radio, a total of 3 German warships will spawn in that have to be destroyed with the flak gun. In order to do that, you have to make use of the map and stats table located right next to the gun. There is also a panel that lets you adjust the height and direction of the gun. The stats table will tell you by how many clicks you have to adjust those switches if you orientate yourself at the map. If a ship is just barely in front of a rock that is 150 meters away (according to your map and stats table), you should try to adjust the gun to 1 click before the 150 meters mark. There is no definite way to hit the ships every single time, but it's possible to rather effectively guess the perfect gun adjustments with 2 or even 3 shots. Just be careful as the ships will fire back at you during this and that you have to charge the cannon again by killing zombies next to it for every shot you miss.

Now it is time to gear up, as the only thing left is the boss fight. Please refer to the little passage at the beginning of the post for loadout tips.

Step 11: The boss fight

Throw the Barbarossa's Pommel at the radio you built during the last step and have every player hold:sq: next to it to start the boss fight. You'll be teleported to the beach where you have to fight against multiple buffed versions of the Meuchler (called Meistermeuchler). Your best strategy for this will be to use shellshock with the Sustain Zone mod, as it will stun the Meistermeuchlers and deal massive damage to them due to the Exploit Weakness mod. Simply take turns with your 4 Shellshock abilities and use your Überladen consumable if everyone is out of special energy. Try to only use 2 Shellshocks per location and let the players who just used it get most of the regular zombie kills so they can charge their ability quicker. Once the Meistermeuchler have been damaged enough, they'll start to retreat and you'll be able to take the mine cart to the submarine pen.

The same strategy applies to the fight in here, but you have to watch out for the fire on the ground, just like during step 3. Alternate between your Shellshocks and make sure to stay clear of the fire. Once the Meistermeuchler have been damaged enough again, they'll retreat and you'll be able to take the mine cart to the area in front of the artillery bunker.

There is a Geistschild machine at this location so make sure to use it whenever you can afford it/ need it. You should definitely buy it once the Meistermeuchler retreat since the next area will be the final one. Now simply take the mine cart to the beach.

Just as your first time at the beach, you'll have to damage them again, eventually killing them. Once all the Meistermeuchlers have been dealt with, a cutscene will start to play, signalizing the end of the easter egg. Congratulations on beating the easter egg and earning "Making History" trophy / achievement!
